Roz arab girl

  1. Kadınlar
  1. +905525777849
  2. 25 Años
  3. 165 CM
  4. 60 KG
  5. Milliyet Lübnanlı

Çalışma saatleri


Saatlik ücret

USD $300

Benim hakkımda

Hello, I am Rose, a Lebanese girl in Istanbul, I am 23 years old, I am a classy, well-educated, fun and beautiful person, who appreciates the distinguished girl, for VIPs only, I offer interesting... Continuar leyendo
Hello, I am Rose, a Lebanese girl in Istanbul, I am 23 years old, I am a classy, well-educated, fun and beautiful person, who appreciates the distinguished girl, for VIPs only, I offer interesting massage services, only for VIPs, empty communications = Block Arab girl Istanbul Roz Hi, I am Roz a Lebanese girl, I am 23 years old, I am an elegant, beautiful, VIP, educated person, for those who appreciate the distinctive girl, for the important characters only, the most interesting massage services, i am here for VIP people only,


Ben varım Istanbul Istanbul Turkey
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